In a compliant way.
Breaking data silos to increase
your operational efficiency.

We are devoted to digitalizing manufacturing process; empowering our clients to produce more affordable, faster and quality drugs to patients.
Decreasing Time-To-Market by dectecting bad batches
in adavance, comparing the current production batch
with historical ‘golden batches’ and/or using AI to
predict deviations of CPP (Critical Process Parameters)
and/or CQA (Critical Quality Attributes) with our Real
Time Reject - RTR
CPV 4.0
To secure process robustness thanks to Process
Analytica Technologies - PAT - Continuous Process
Verification Platform - CPV.
Then adding a basics statistics app to perform a PQR in
real time a Real Time Product Quality Review - RTPQR
- to lead your site proactively in real time and not just
when you have to deliver PQRs.
Manufacturing Intelligence Platform breaking data silos
in the shop floor, to have all the data in the same place.